Expecting? You must be excited, anxious, you have a life growing inside you, he or she will be your friend, soul mate, best friend for the rest of your life, you will laugh, you will cry together, you will do anything in your power to protect this tiny life growing inside you.
If you knew that the most dangerous place to be while pregnant is behind the wheel or as a passenger in a motor vehicle. What would you do? There is numerous evidence to prove that fact. Studies reported in The Journal of the American Medical Association states that “Motor vehicle crashes account for four of five deaths that occur among unborn babies of pregnant women who experience trauma”, another article in the same journal states that “Information and Research Needed to Help Reduce Risks to Women and Fetus From Motor Vehicle Injury During Pregnancy”.
The “Tummy Shield” is carefully designed to reduce the risk of injury to mum and baby, it reduces the risk by removing the seat belt away from the abdomen area and the baby.
Did you know?“Motor vehicle crashes account for four of five deaths that occur among unborn babies of pregnant women who experience trauma.” Journal of the American Medical Association. "Automobile crashes are the largest single cause of death for pregnant women and the leading cause of traumatic foetal injury mortality in the United States." U.S. National Library of Medicine. "Tummy Shield has been carefully designed to redirect seat belt load from abdomen area to the thigh and pelvis areas in the event of a crash or sudden stopping." The Tummy Shield is tested in Australia to comply with ADR (Australian Design Rule) guidelines. The Tummy Shield is tested to comply with ADR4/00 Seat belts, ADR5/04 Anchorage for seat belts, ADR69/00 Full frontal impact occupant protection. It passed all tests for compliance with ADR requirements. | Reduce your risk!
When you start using your Tummy Shield you will:
| Planning for your pregnancy